Texas Oncology Foundation

Let us help

A Virtual Experience

At the Texas Oncology Foundation, we know that living with a cancer diagnosis can be a tiresome and worrying experience. Without adequate resources and community support—especially when in-person interactions are limited—survivors and caregivers may find themselves carrying a bigger burden or experiencing emotional distress.

That’s why we created the Virtual Experience, a 3-week online program dedicated to relevant topics affecting cancer survivors and caregivers at any stage. Participants are invited to explore interactive sessions, and workshops. All sessions will focus on preserving your physical and emotional wellbeing while you balance the demands of living with a cancer diagnosis. 





Survive & Thrive Virtual Experience- What You Get:

Upcoming Virtual Experience

Current Month

No Events

Testimonials from Previous Participants

Oncology social worker Debbi Newton, LCSW, OSW-C outlined what an online support group is like and the impact it has on attendees.

Virtual Experience alumnus McKinney B. discussed the new opportunities and perspectives he gained from others.

Virtual Experience alumnus Judith M. shared what she enjoyed most about the support group and how it has continued on.

Let us help

Survive & Thrive Virtual Camp

Texas Oncology Foundation is hosting this 3-week program, creating a space for patients to take a deeper dive into the emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of cancer. Each week starts with a live speaker presentation tied to that week’s theme. The week continues with self-selected workshops, intimate support group sessions and community connections.

Survive & Thrive Webinar Archive

What is Virtual Care?

Pain Management

Men's Health


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